Boston celebrated his 1st birthday on the 19Th of July. It is hard to believe that it has been a year already. I can't think of a better year in all of my life! Boston is so special to me and his mommy. It is often hard to put into words what that little boy means to us. I remember the day when we found out we were having a little boy, I was the happiest man alive. That feeling still exists! It was with much anticipation that we awaited his arrival. Now that he is here, Boston has been everything we had hoped he would be and more. His smile that frequents his chubby face is highly contagious. One of my most favorite times is when I'm getting home from work at 6 am and I hear his little voice coming from his crib...I quickly snatch him up and we hang out for an hour, sharing breakfast and giggles so that mommy can get another hour of much needed sleep. Times like these are what I will cherish forever.
This last year has been an extremely busy one, but it also has been our favorite. Angie and I are both very thankful and grateful that Boston came to our little family. We cannot imagine life without him. We had a few parties to celebrate his birthday. Here are some pictures to show some of the fun times we've been having.
Mommy handing him his #1 cupcake
New Tractor
Island park fun in the water