Boston continues to be the happy little boy that he has always been. He continues to bless our lives every way possible. We have been so busy lately with life that we have not had time to update our blog, so here is what has happened in the last few months.
Boston is 10 months old! He is crawling like crazy and wants to pull himself up on everything. He is into every drawer, toilet, garbage, fireplace, and anything else you can imagine, destroying the place. Hopefully one day in the very near future he learns what "NO" means! He is saying momma and dadda like crazy and loves to cuddle. He has learned that he only wants to sleep in his own bed for a few hours a night, waking up to throw a tantrum until we snag him and he is instantaneously back asleep in our bed. I swore I was going to be the dad that never let my child sleep with me....well, scratch that idea I guess.
As for myself and Angie...
Angie is finishing up another year of teaching. She has successfully managed to balance the woes of being a wonderful working mother, busily doing her best to fulfill her many roles and responsiblities. She is amazing to say the least. She seems to find time for just about everything that is important to her...even couponing. I often joke to people about her hobby...that being saving money while spending money! She does save us a ton of money. Keep up the good work babe! Angie will be finished teaching and ready for a well deserved summer break in 2 weeks.
I have been in Police training for the last few months. It has gone well. I graduated the POST academy in March and have been completing my field training with the Caldwell Police Department since. I am just about done with that stage of life and will be on my own shortly. Life as a Police Officer is interesting to say the least. I have many stories already, and surely there will be many more to come. I try not to tell too many stories, but if you are interested in sharing a laugh or two, I prolly can drum up a good one for us! On my days off, I enjoy watching Boston. We are good buddies and love the time we get to spend together. I have put fishing on the back burner for the most part due to the busy schedules and such, but look forward to some sweet summertime fishing on the Owyhee!
All in all life is great! We have loved the opportunity to be parents to Boston. We have had so much fun we are almost thinking about trying it all over again. Only thing we are waiting on is...well, time for each other! Stay tuned...